Welcome to the Android App Tester Group!

Here, you can share any bugs, errors, or ideas you’ve come across so we can continually improve the app for everyone!

Please be as detailed as possible when describing any issues or suggestions to help us avoid any follow-up questions and ensure quicker fixes.

If you're an app tester, you can verify yourself with the following link:

Thanks for helping us make RoSocial better!
Welcome to the Android App Tester Group! Here, you can share any bugs, errors, or ideas you’ve come across so we can continually improve the app for everyone! Please be as detailed as possible when describing any issues or suggestions to help us avoid any follow-up questions and ensure quicker fixes. If you're an app tester, you can verify yourself with the following link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/rosocial.app Thanks for helping us make RoSocial better!