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F A C T #4:

In 2014, Roblox was doing a 24 Hour Charity Live stream (For Extra Life charity Foundation)
They did however reach the mark [from what i was told] but had a really bad incident.

at some point at 12 am, they turned off the camera but not the microphones, you can hear them say "Roblox doesn't give a F#CK", and also drinking alcohol.
F A C T #4: In 2014, Roblox was doing a 24 Hour Charity Live stream (For Extra Life charity Foundation) They did however reach the mark [from what i was told] but had a really bad incident. at some point at 12 am, they turned off the camera but not the microphones, you can hear them say "Roblox doesn't give a F#CK", and also drinking alcohol.
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