Upgrade to Pro

  • Haven't use this website in a while
    Haven't use this website in a while
  • I think i can safely say, I am going to stay off Ro-Social until Sam does something on the website again.

    I'm truly sorry for "leaving", but take this as a Retirement, I will return once something happens again.
    I think i can safely say, I am going to stay off Ro-Social until Sam does something on the website again. I'm truly sorry for "leaving", but take this as a Retirement, I will return once something happens again.
    ·2K Views ·1 Shares
  • This really is unfortunate this website had so much potential to be the place the Roblox community needed sad to see it go in this direction. (Also to Sam I'd be down to help manage/dev here) I won't be leaving fully.
    This really is unfortunate this website had so much potential to be the place the Roblox community needed sad to see it go in this direction. (Also to Sam I'd be down to help manage/dev here) I won't be leaving fully.
    I think i can safely say, I am going to stay off Ro-Social until Sam does something on the website again.

    I'm truly sorry for "leaving", but take this as a Retirement, I will return once something happens again.